News now: Marshals arrest Dollywood contractor for child sex crimes, found with 3 minors, U.S. Marshals say

The U.S. Marshals Service said that three juveniles were saved from a hotel in Pigeon Forge. Angelo McQueen arrived in Florida in March as a non-immigrant tourist. According to authorities, McQueen was accused of committing sexual offences against a youngster in his home Bahamas, according to information obtained by INTERPOL Washington. “Authorities also suspected McQueen of kidnapping and bringing his biological daughter to the United States.” After learning that McQueen was residing in Pigeon Forge, they got in touch with the USMS Missing Child Unit, ICE Enforcement and Removal Operations, and the USMS Smoky Mountain Fugitive Task Force Eastern District of Tennessee during the course of the investigation.

ICE became involved because McQueen was found to be in breach of his visa when the USMS enquired about his status. On July 5, when he was being arrested, police discovered three kids in a hotel located at 4025 Parkway. The Tennessee Department of Children’s Services received custody of the youngsters. Officials say that McQueen was employed by Dollywood at the time of his apprehension.


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