BREAKING: Louisville Hood News will be traveling to Washington D.C. for the inauguration of whomever wins the Election this year.

Louisville Hood News is gearing up for a historic trip to Washington D.C. to cover the 2025 presidential inauguration! This momentous event, happening on January 20, 2025, promises to be an unforgettable experience ¹ ². As the nation’s capital prepares to host over a million visitors, Louisville Hood News will be on the ground, bringing you exclusive updates and insights.



*Inauguration Weekend Events*


The inauguration ceremony will take place on the West Lawn of the U.S. Capitol, where the president- and vice president-elect will be sworn in ³. The event is free, but tickets are highly sought after and can be requested through your Senator or Representative. Alternatively, visitors can watch the ceremony on large screens set up on the National Mall.

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