BREAKING NEWS: Thorne and Moorends Town Council’s Precept Hike Criticized by Local MP

_Thorne and Moorends Town Council’s Precept Hike Criticized by Local MP_


A recent decision by Thorne and Moorends Town Council to increase its precept has sparked criticism from the local Member of Parliament (MP). The council’s move to raise the precept, a tax levied on local residents to fund town council services, has been met with opposition from the MP, who argues that the hike will unfairly burden local taxpayers.


_Background on the Precept Increase_


Thorne and Moorends Town Council voted to increase its precept by [X]%, resulting in an additional [X]pence per week on the average Band D council tax bill. The council claims the increase is necessary to fund essential services and projects, including [list specific services or projects].


_MP’s Criticism_


The local MP has expressed concerns that the precept hike will disproportionately affect low-income households and pensioners, who are already struggling with the cost of living. The MP argues that the council should explore alternative funding options and reduce its expenditure before passing the burden onto local residents.


_Council’s Response_


Thorne and Moorends Town Council has defended its decision, stating that the precept increase is necessary to maintain vital services and invest in the community. The council claims it has explored other funding options and has made efforts to reduce costs, but the precept hike is unavoidable.


_Resident Reaction_


Local residents have mixed views on the precept increase. Some understand the need for additional funding, while others are concerned about the impact on their household budgets.


_What’s Next?_


The MP has vowed to continue pushing for a review of the precept increase and exploring alternative funding solutions. The council will need to justify its decision and demonstrate transparency in its spending to regain public trust.

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