Unbelievable: Tom Gutowski boldly announced his retirement as he bitterly explained…… 

Unbelievable: Tom Gutowski boldly announced his retirement as he bitterly explained……

A short track racer from Wisconsin is recuperating at home following a terrifying collision on Monday at Marshfield Motor Speedway. In a track statement, the 1/2-mile asphalt speedway hosted the June 1 feature race for the X-treme 4, and on lap six, drivers Phil Malouf and Tim Hintz had side-by-side contact on the back straightaway. Hintz was thrown through the air and landed off the racing surface behind some billboards after the contact forced him off the track. According to the statement, Hintz was brought to a nearby hospital due to back pain and was discharged the following day.

After breaking his L1 vertebrae, he is recuperating, according to his wife Lori Johnson Hintz. She said in a written statement, “He (Tim) has all his feeling and, like with any injury, pain is to be expected.” Tim is taking it easy at home and hopes to recover fully soon. We appreciate all of the prayers and well wishes that have been offered, and we especially thank the Marshfield Speedway staff for their prompt assistance in helping Tim. Special gratitude are also extended to the two ambulances for their amazing assistance. Lori Johnson Hintz stated that her husband’s return to the racecourse is only a matter of time, with a full recovery anticipated.

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