Detroit Lions Head Coach Says

Coach Campbell was quoted in his recent press conference talking about he wants the team to use this a fuel and turn it into motivation once they get to the tournament. He said:

“We walked away, packed our bags and left. This one, we got a taste of what that’s like, but we’ve still got a chance. We haven’t even started the tournament. So, this is a — I think it’s a blessing. And I would tell fans, ‘Don’t do it. Don’t even believe that.’ We’re just getting started.”

He continued to make sure everyone knew his reasoning behind what he was saying, because most of us at home would be thinking how is this loss a blessing. He further explained this saying“We were in it, we were in a tight game, had a chance to win it, we weren’t able to and so now you know

what that’s like,” Campbell said. “You know what that feels like, and you can’t let that opportunity slip, man. You don’t know when that play’s going to be made. Could be the first quarter, second quarter, right before halftime, so that’s why.”

He just may be right, and the team will have to use it as fuel as it is always good to find extra motivation and “take things personally” going into the playoffs to give yourself any extra edge you can. The way Campbell coaches, this really just may be a blessing, because if they go against the Dallas Cowboys again, they will have extra motivation to make things right.

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